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Innocence of Memories (2015) Full Movie


Likewise with his Sebald film, Gee has here painstakingly collected an arrangement of printed pieces, painterly visuals and strange voiceovers. The significant contrast obviously, is that Pamuk is still around; the writer has contributed considerably to this film, which takes its prompt from his 2008 novel The Museum of Innocence, by composing additional material and shepherding it to its present structure. A fringe character from Museum, a youth companion of its female hero Fusun, is elevated to the film’s significant voice, giving insight into the past and connection to the torrid, over the top issue directed in the novel amongst Fusun and her more established cousin Kemal back in the 1970s.
Sections of Pamuk’s unique book are likewise perused out, grafted onto dreamlike, phantasmagoric arrangements in which Gee’s camera floats around the Istanbul boulevards for the most part showered in an abnormal, sulphorous light and apparently occupied generally by packs of stray canines.

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